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The difference between supermarket shelves and convenience store shelves
source:www.hanming.net.cn  |  Release time:2024-01-16
Many people who are not familiar with convenience store shelves may ask, what is the difference between supermarket shelves and convenience store shelves? What are the differences? Not all the items were placed? Explain the main differences between supermarket shelves and convenience store shelves below.

Firstly, the appearance of supermarket shelves is relatively large, which is generally reflected in the length, width, and height of the entire shelf, as well as the size of the accessories used in the shelves. After all, supermarkets value large capacity and try to place various products on supermarket shelves. Therefore, in order to place the most products in limited space, supermarket shelves will be made larger in size. The characteristic of convenience store shelves is small and exquisite, making customers feel more comfortable visually.

Secondly, from the appearance, the size of convenience store shelves is much smaller than that of supermarket shelves. Taking the commonly used island shelves as an example, the width of the island shelves commonly used in convenience stores is 900mm, while the width of supermarket shelves is at least 1 meter or more. The height of convenience store wall shelves is generally 2 meters or 2.2 meters, but supermarket shelves are generally 2.4 meters or higher because they can serve as small warehouses to store commonly used goods and facilitate employees to restock at any time.

Third, the design of convenience store shelves is more design and refined. People who have worked in convenience stores know that convenience stores are not small supermarkets, but concentrate the essence of supermarkets, and solve the complicated purchase process of supermarkets, which is faster. Therefore, convenience stores are more like a small supermarket, and the design of convenience store shelves is of course more simple and fashionable.

Fourthly, there are significant differences in the product structure between supermarket shelves and convenience store shelves. Compared to smaller convenience stores, there are indeed many types and quantities of products on supermarket shelves. You can buy all the necessary items for daily life at once, including essential and non essential items; However, convenience stores are influenced by factors such as area, labor costs, and the consumption characteristics of nearby residents, resulting in a relatively limited variety of products.

Fifthly, the two target different needs of shoppers. Due to factors such as land prices, transportation, and foot traffic, large shopping malls are generally located in the center of major commercial areas in the city. Therefore, people only enter large shopping malls when they buy things, and small items they buy casually will be handled in nearby convenience stores. Nowadays, the development of convenience stores is getting faster and the convenience services they provide to consumers are becoming more diverse.

The above is the difference between supermarket shelves and convenience store shelves summarized by Suzhou Hanming Metal Products Co., Ltd. If you still have any related knowledge that you do not understand, you can consult us